Ten people I didn't know, part II

Ed Dixon, is music professor and directs orchestra at Whitman College.

Clay Wick is retired from work as a Nuclear Engineer.

Wilma Cheney has learned a lot about airplanes because of her husbands passion for them. Wilma is passionate about her church work and helping families with adoption.

Dave Cheney is the Fourth owner of this Howard airplane that came off of the construction line December 5, 1941. Dave has been passionate about airplanes since he was nineteen and was a pilot for the navy and for American Airlines. He now owns and operates the martin field airstrip.
Min I love the pictures of the people with their planes. They tell such an interesting story. It makes you wonder what they looked like when they first purchased them. Too bad we don't age like those classy things. -wink-
Hey Mindy! i love these pictures of the old people, your pictures tell an awesome story! Great idea and great pics:)
I can so relate to the woman sitting by the plane while her husband explores the planes. :D
Good job catching the moment!
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