wir sprechen italiano aus Germania
Since returning from germany, i can't get myself thinking in italian again. sadly, i can still speak german about as well as i can italian. i would think that by now italian would've won over that battle. i think the fact that we really had no option to room with italian speaking roommates has a lot to do with it. over here it's just about like taking italian from an english speaking college. we have to go way out of our way to speak italian to the italians, as they all just speak english to us. i'm a little disappointed that the program here isn't geared more for immersing us in the italian language. just recently we had italian students move into our dorm, but not a single american student has one as a roommate, and we only see them passing in the halls, as we don't have classes with them.
at least i'll be able to get by in 2 languages, forget fluency.
so here are some pictures from germany... and maybe a short story here and there.. yes. short stories. :)

here's mindy and me. tye's camera has a rapid-shot feature built in. :)

here we are quite near the center of berlin. (see. there it is growing out of my head!)

here we are peeking out from on of the many rows of a holocaust monument. there were many grave sized stones sticking up in rows, different heights. it was meant to portray the fact that it didn't matter if you were rich, poor, young, or old, if you were a jew, you died like the rest. underneath this there's a museum, which was quite sobering.

this is tye, sporting some german "eis" (not too hard to figure out what that word means....)
we had a great time in germany. we did many more things that we just didn't get pictures of. like visiting pigs, going in a sauna, eating with an old german couple, going out for "dunna" (sp?), hanging out in das stutz, going bowling, and many other things. until next time, just imagine us having a ball in europe. :)
(we do greatly miss all you guys too though!)