More Photo's of Roma

Well we recieved a request or two for more pics of Rome. so here they are.
Here's a pic for my mom. this was shaped like a heart when we found it. i have no idea what plant it's from.

We went to St. Paul's Basilica in Rome and here's kev, tiffany, and kelly, they were taking a pic from the front. i got one from the back. teehee

Here are kev and i at St. Peter's Basilica(that's in Vatican City). we balanced the camera on a post that had a slightly rounded top. i was just sure i was going to have no more camera after that. turns out kev knew what he was doing(like always, don't know why i even doubted).

This is me in front of the fountain at the bottom of the spanish steps. i'm wishing here instead of at the Trevi foutain because i'd already wished at Trevi and therefore come back to Rome. i really don't want to fall in love with an italian. thanks but no.

This is our friend Brian and us at the pantheon. Obviously we're more excited about ourselves than the ancient church.
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